Disclaimers and limitations


  1. Mandatory: The TestOps user you are going to utilise for the migration purposes must have no less than ROLE_ADMIN authority, otherwise the migration procedure will fail.
  2. Mandatory: Java 17 to be installed on the machine where you are going to execute the migration script. Use java --version to check. Java version other than 17 will cause the migration script to fail on its start.

Migration Script

To migrate test cases to TestOps use the following script: Last updated: 2024-08-16


Migration script execution

  1. Prepare the config file for your migration (see the instructions in available migrations list).
  2. Unzip the archive. There is a jar file inside.
  3. Execute the script
	java -jar allure-testops-migration-<version>.jar /path-to-config-file/config_file.json

The configuration file should be specified for migration. Please use an examples to configure it: